Summaries of Eastern Orthodox Christian works

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Artist: Jonathan McCormack

What did the Eastern church fathers and mothers say?

In our technological age of entertainment and information overload, taking time to learn the Christian faith is challenging. For those who want to know what the early Christian theologians believed, particularly in the less-well-known Christian east, Pleroma Press summaries help make these works easier for modern readers to learn and understand.

What did the Eastern church fathers and mothers say? Don’t rely on hearsay; find out!

Published Summaries:

  • Against the Heathen by Saint Athanasius in 22 Minutes
  • On the Incarnation by Saint Athanasius in 25 Minutes
  • The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus in 15 Minutes
  • An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by St. John of Damascus in 60 Minutes
  • The First Apology of Justin Martyr in 18 Minutes
  • St. Aphrahat’s Select Demonstrations in 30 Minutes
  • Dorotheos of Gaza: Discourses and Sayings in 20 Minutes
  • St. John Damascene On Holy Images in 25 Minutes
  • On First Principles by Origen in 75 Minutes
  • On the Holy Spirit by Saint Basil in 16 Minutes
  • The Seven Letters of Saint Ignatius in 13 Minutes
  • The First Epistle of Clement in 10 Minutes
  • On Marriage and Family Life by St. John Chrysostom in Seven Minutes
  • On the Divine Names by St. Dionysius the Areopagite in 25 Minutes
  • Mother Maria Skobtsova in 15 Minutes
  • Letters to Saint Olympia by St. John Chrysostom in 12 Minutes

Coming Soon!

  • The works of St. Marcarius the Great
  • Against Heresies by St. Irenaeus
Our summaries are available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle! Or, give once for lifetime access to all our works!